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Responsible Language Assessment to Empower Learners

The conference's overall theme, Responsible Language Assessment to Empower Learners, highlights the responsibility of language testing organisations, as well as educators, policy-makers and learners themselves, in creating fair, inclusive and learner-centred language assessment practices to reflect the learners’ current and future needs and contexts, while maintaining the quality and integrity of language assessments.

The theme is divided into four strands:

A] Responsibility and Social Justice in Language Assessment

This strand will address issues such as:

  • Addressing bias in language assessment
  • Social justice: putting marginalised and underrepresented groups in the centre
  • Migrants and language testing in migration settings
  • Empowering learners of less widely used languages, including sign languages
  • Advocacy for equitable language testing practices
  • Detecting malpractice and fraud for fair language assessment
  • Creating fair exam tasks: inclusion and accessibility
  • The importance of communicating the content and purpose of an exam

B] Learner Agency in Language Assessment

This strand will address issues such as:

  • Integrating learning and assessment in the classroom
  • Self-assessment and peer-assessment as tools for empowerment
  • Supporting learner autonomy through formative assessment practices
  • Test-taker-centred assessment: authenticity in task design
  • The learner’s challenge of preparing for an exam
  • The role of the teacher to support learner agency

C] Responsible AI & Tech in Language Assessment to Empower Learners

This strand will address issues such as:

  • Leveraging AI and technology for personalised learning paths
  • AI & Tech to assist in psychometrics and alignment
  • Tech to assist in detecting malpractice
  • The importance of human responsibility in AI & Tech-based language assessment
  • Responsible data collection and use

D] Wider Communication Skills to Empower Learners

This strand will address issues such as:

  • Empowering learners with skills that go beyond the purely linguistic, e.g.:
Strategies for Communication
‘Life’ Skills, e.g. Critical Thinking, Cultural Awareness, etc.
Plurilingual Repertoires

  • Implementation of these skills in language assessment (task design, rubrics, etc.)

ALTE - La Asociación de Examinadores en Europa es una organización benéfica incorporada (CIO) registrada en Inglaterra bajo el número 1184799.

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